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Friday, October 22, 2010

3 crucial concepts that The Situation wants you to follow

Today we're talking about 3 very important concepts that you should follow if you want to get the results that you're after.

#1 Consitency. Consistency is the single most important concept that you must understand and implement if you want to reach your goals, whether in bodybuilding or another field. Without sticking to a routine like your life depends on it, you're likely to get distracted and lose sight of your goals. Miss a few training sessions or meals here and there and soon enough, you realize that you've given up on your dreams and you hate yourself for it! I'm sure anyone who's ever tried setting new years resolutions and failed to stick to them within the first few weeks as the majority of people tend to do will understand what I'm talking about! We'll expand upon this topic in future posts and discuss specific strategies that you can take to ensure that you can remain consistent and what to do if/when you fall off the wagon.

#2 Nutritional strategy. You're unlikely to see abs on a bulking diet. For your abs to show, they not only need to be well developed through strenuous exercise, but the layers of fat covering them must be particularly thin (i.e. regardless of how well developed your abs are from a muscular standpoint, you will generally also need to have a low bodyfat level to be able to see that six-pack). To achieve the leaness that is required, you will have to be on a cutting diet or if you already have low fat deposits you may be able to get by on a maintenance diet. And to become completely shredded you'll need to lose water weight which will destroy that last layer of subcutaneous fat - more on that later!

#3 Training Frequency. Some programs advocate training just one body part a day and then letting it rest for a week. These programs are commonly known as split routines, and they tend to be pretty popular, particularly with beginners because they're pretty simple to follow. It is my opinion that they present several problems however. Let's quickly look at the purpose of training and rest first. When you're training you should be creating microdamage in your muscles, which in turn repair themselves during recovery and grow slightly. Note that this is simplified and that the actual science behind this process is pretty complex but for the moment, we don't need to drown ourselves in a whole bunch of scientific studies! In fact there are different types of muscle fibers and different types of growth. We will dedicate a future article to talking about the finer scientific aspects of muscle growth. Anyway the problems behind the split routines described above and the reasons why so many people seem to stop seing progress after a while is that you're giving each muscle a whole week of rest before training it again! It's been shown that your muscle can generally recover and repair itself after a training session in 36-48 hours. So it's no wonder that you're not seing a lot of progress by waiting a whole week before training it again! In bodybuilding terms, you're in an anabolic state for 2 days and then in a semi-catabolic state for the next 5 days until your next training session. What you need is chronic stimuli to get the most out of your training. We'll discuss some of the popular routines that implement this concept very soon!

Hope that this post has been informative and please leave any questions that you may have in the comments section!


  1. It's usually the consistency that gets me. I miss a few days because of important meetings, and then I'm just apathetic about returning to the life.

  2. the bible of the situation :D he is simply great xD

  3. Consistency is, indeed, very important. Not just in a work out routine, but in many other things as well. If you get off of your schedule, you might never get back on it!

  4. nice post, learned quite alot of new things that will help me, thanks.

  5. Lookin jacked brah. Keep it up, I'll be around.

  6. Hi, my name is John and your blog has made me the man that I am, and my banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash) really appreciates it.


  7. A fine collection of tips! Thanks!

  8. lot of interesting thinks ;) great post
